Week 5 - Habits

Apr 15, 2023

Week 5 of HABITS. Do you like the direction your habits are taking you? The truth is: you reap what you sow. If you don’t like what you are reaping, change what you are sowing. You might believe that change is possible, but at some point you have to put the belief into action. As the New Testament book of James reminds us (and the big book of AA reminds us three times), “Faith without works is dead.”

Tony Grebmeier will join me as our Guest Storyteller. Tony is a dear friend…and was at our very first FREE gathering in the Canaday’s backyard. He’s a business owner, family man, fellow recovering addict—and helps a ton of people in recovery. Tony’s been clean & sober since 2008. He’s gonna share with us how he had to move from a disease mindset to an empowerment mindset, and why habits are central to this.