Week 1 - Overwhelm: Finding Balance in Life & Recovery

Jun 3, 2023

Feeling overwhelmed by all of life’s pressures? Being overwhelmed will always distract you from being fully present. You weren’t created to live in constant overwhelm. Stop trying so hard. Your value isn’t measured by what you produce. God didn’t rescue you from the slavery of addiction only to bring you into a slavery of restlessness and hustling for your worth. You were created for more. You are meant to be free!  

Kristen Haugen will join me as our Guest Storyteller. Addiction took everything from her. She wasn’t present to her life. Doctors told her if she continued to drink, she was going to die. On June 14, 2021 I received a message from Kristen: “Hey! I’m looking forward to being part of the FREE community.” It was the day she got out of rehab. Kristen rarely misses a Saturday night at FREE…and this will be the first time she’s sharing her story publicly!