Week 3 - Overwhelm: What to Do With All That Stress & Anxiety
The APA has once again released their report of this year’s “Stress in America” survey. We’re as stressed out and anxious as ever. Political issues. Social issues. Everyday life issues. 27% of Americans report that most days they are so stressed they cannot function. 62% of young adults feel completely overwhelmed by stress. If we want to live calm, centered, and content lives…we’ve gotta learn to love one another…and this has everything to do with your recovery.
Leila Duran will join me as our Guest Storyteller. Leila started drinking & drugging at age 13. She was arrested 27 times…the 27th time was a wake-up call. She got 6.5 years clean & sober. She was active in her recovery, until she wasn’t. Life got stressful…she picked up a drink. Leila’s back on the wagon with more than 90 days sober. Life is being restored again: “I was afraid to look anyone in the eyes because I was afraid they were gonna see me. Today, I’m seen and I’m not afraid to love.”