Week 3 - Ever Wonder Why
When we ask the question, “Why are they throwing their life away?”, it generally comes from a place of deep heartache. It’s a question that points back to us, inviting us to engage in the deeper inner work while asking questions like: What is this relationship doing to me and how do I maintain my peace? This is the work of boundaries—and boundaries are always different than “tough love.”
Pamela Less will join me as our Guest Storyteller. Pamela is the “Loved One of an Addict.” She’ll share her story of what it’s been like to be a mom to her son in the midst of his battle with addiction, and why she had to get clear with her boundaries. In Pamela’s words: “If you set firm boundaries with your loved one, you must follow through with it. Be brave and have faith that God will grant you the strength you need to keep going.”