Week 5 - Ever Wonder Why

May 27, 2023

If you’re anything like me, you may have seen God answer some prayers where you say, “Wow God, you showed up and you showed off.” And then other times when you pray in a similar way, with a similar type of faith, believing in the same God --He didn’t do what you thought He should do and what you knew He could do. It can be confusing. You ask yourself: Did I do something wrong? Is God not listening? Is He mad at me? Does He not care? Prayer can be powerful and occasionally it can be confusing. When we pray, and we don’t get the immediate answer. It’s not that God isn’t answering our prayers, it’s just that God isn’t answering our prayers in the way we think he should. That’s a big difference.

Lance Wischkowski will join Noelle as the storyteller this week. Lance is an addict who has plans to get married at FREE in October! He grew up with feeling not good enough and unworthy until he found alcohol. Up until his early 30's booze was never a big problem for Lance. He never got arrested, never got a DUI, never lost a job...but the alcohol took something much greater from him: his spirit. Lance put down the bottle for the last time in July 2017 and accepted help. 3 days into sobriety at a softball game, a fellow teammate told lance he was "the most selfish person he had ever met". In Lance's words: "I didn't hit rock bottom until I was sober a few days. July 31, 2017 was my last drink and that's when I thought alcohol was just my problem. Three days later at the softball game with my teammate, that's when I knew I was the problem."